Sunday, May 15, 2011


Charlemagne was born in 742, however the place remains unknown. He was of German blood and shared many characteristics with his fellow people. He read a few books but quite complex ones. He attempted to write at a older age, but that never worked out yet he could speak 3 languages.

In 771 Carloman the Second died transferring Charlemagne as the sole king at age 29. At that time, the northern part of the empire was pagan and lawless while the southern side was Roman Catholic. Charlemagne was determined to bring peace and stabilize Europe. To begin with, he launched a 13-year campaign that seized and transfered the pagans to the Christian religion. Charlemagne was great fan of solving conflicts easily, but when people disobeyed or did not listen, he would conquer and seize their land. Like with the case of Desiderius.

The key to Charlemagne's great success was his ability to organize. During his reign, he sent out 50 military expeditions, conquering many lands. He always planned ahead and knew exactly what he wanted to do. It is said that he would always call bishops and kings to tell them all of the information for the battle ahead.

By 800, Charlemagne was the undisputed ruler of Western Europe. His land covered nowadays France, Belgium, Switzerland and The Netherlands. As well as half of Italy and Germany along with the Spanish Border. With this, he reconnected a part of the Roman empire and along with his great innovations and intelligence, paved the way to the establishment of modern Europe.

On Christmas Day in 800, the Pope crowned Charlemagne before the alter. Since that moment, Charlemagne is considered the first Holy Roman Emperor. When Charlemagne came to the throne, he tried to give everyone equal rights, and help society advance. For example, he tried bring back appreciation for music and art by bringing various people from different places. Over all, Charlemagne brought the Renaissance a start and united Europe.

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