Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Saint Nicholas

A saint is a person of great holiness and sacredness. A person that is worshiped and of great importance. There are a couple of "aspects" that they have to fulfill before they become one. For example, they have to worship god and have this special beautification of the religion and themselves. I can tell you, that becoming a saint is not an easy thing to accomplish. For my biography, I will talk about Saint Nicholas.
Saint Nicholas was a prospered saint in the 4th century as well as Greek bishop. Because he has been known for his great miracles, some have called him, Nikolaos the Wonder Worker. Nicholas was born in the village of Patara and lived with his parents. Once his wealthy parents died from an epidemic, Nicholas dedicated himself to serving those in need and to Christianity. Since that event, he has been known for his great generosity and helping of those in need. In the ruling of emperor Diocletian, he has ordered for every single Christian to be put in jail and soon that included St. Nicholas. Along with many bishops and priests Nicholas spend a lot of time in the jail cell. However, when he was released, Nicholas attended the Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325. Sadly, Nicholas died on December 6, A.D 343 in Myra and was buried in the cathedral church. Many decoration were included, making his importance felt. Even know, his death is remembered on December 6, as Saint Nicholas Day.
There are still many legends regarding St. Nicholas and his deeds he accomplished. He is known for his generosity, open mindedness and caring attitudes. He was always in the help of others with need making him deserving of a Saint. Some of the miracles would include secret gifting of people, which is one of his most famous deeds. Over all, St.Nicholas was a great Saint, making his existence last for eternity.

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