Monday, December 13, 2010

Rome and Christianity Reflection

1. Describe how you prepared/studied for the unit test.
I used many ways to study for the test. The first way was by contributing during my classes. In that way, I saw what my classmates had to say which added on to my knowledge. I learned different points of view and how specific factors could affect something way larger. The second way in which I studied was my making graphs and webs. In this way, I laid out all my knowledge in one place, so studying that became much easier. I could point out the basic structures of a certain topic or idea. Along with this, I could associate important people and places that would add on to the basic idea. After all of the remaining factors were in my brain, I focused on details and more specific happenings. Sadly, not many could be found in the final test. After all, I used many different ways to study fr this test and over all, I am happy with the result.
a. Do you think your studying strategies were effective-why/not?
I believe that my studying habits were effective, although I sometimes focused on parts that were not on the actual test. I did a pretty nice studying job, although I could have concentrated on some other stuff. I could have also certainly payed more attention to Christianity.
b. How will you prepare next time?
For the next test, I believe I will focus in the same way, but touch more topics basically then one totally. In this way, my organization of studying will be increased and touched. When I look at it, my studying will never change, but my organization, in my opinion should.
2. What was the most surprising thing you learned about during this unit?
The most surprising thing I learned throughout this unit is about Early Christianity. How it evolved and became a great religion. All the people that accompanied the prosperity of that religion. I found fascinating the interesting facts about Christianity and how it prospered.

3. If we had more time to spend on Rome + Christianity- what would you want to learn more about?
If we had more time to spend on Rome I would totally learn about gladiators, the Colosseum and how they affected Rome and its development. After all, this unit was really fascinating but if we had more time, I would study gladiators and entertainment.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Causes of the Roman Fall

In my opinion, Romes fall was very inevitable. The many wars, problems and economic and technological falls were heart breaking. Many Romans did not know what to do, and instead of progressing, they were backing away. This was the moment the fall started. It was like Rome was a dice, ready to be played with, but there were no players. It stood there, watching at the horrible things moving around them. In this blog post I will tell you some of the factors that contributed to the drastic fall of Rome. There are a couple of major ones, while their the minor ones push themselves through.
The first factor was the geography of Ancient Rome and its surroundings. Romes was shaped like a donut and therefore it was very challenging for them to protect the territory. The barbarians could easily enter their lands and take away valuable items and destroy their property. The second factor that affected the fall of Rome was the economic decline. The economy of Ancient Rome was too weak for supporting the empire and government. The market fell, and there wasn't even a point in jobs. The economy simply fell apart and with it the empire. The third reason was the growth of the government. The senate and assembly became dishonest and were just in search of wealth. This factor destroyed the organization and safety of the Roman Republic. At this point, people did not know where to go and what to do, which leads us to the fourth factor, decline in the work force. This was the effect of the past three factors. The population saw no point in working and did not know what to do with their lives. It was like they were happy to survive each day. The fifth major/minor factor was the lack of technology. Due to the lack of work force, not enough goods were produced to support the economy and community. You can see how this connects, each factor connects with each other which equals into the tragic fall of Rome. The final and most public factor was the final military defeat. The barbarians finally succeeded to defeat the Roman military, which led to the final touch of the fall of Rome.

After all, these were some of the factors that affected Romes final fall. I showed you how they connect although some people do not even notice that. To conclude, there were many factors that affected the fall of Rome and how it affects the fall of it.